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Tess Heffernan & Matt Ryan — Minted

Tess Heffernan


Matt Ryan

Tess Heffernan and Matt Ryan

Please join us for our wedding celebration on

Our Story

Tess & Matt's first date was at The Beehive in the South End in late February 2021. They're engaged the date went well. They talked about shared interests and their close relationships with friends & family. As it relates to the former, food was a central theme, as was Tess's cat Jake (a Siberian forest cat) and hamster (RIP Rosie). Please refer to the gallery for pictures of Jake & Rosie. Matt was cat-agnostic at say he has evolved into a cat enthusiast is a severe understatement. Please refer to gallery for proof. Tess & Matt exchange cat memes on a daily basis. As it pertains to food, if Matt wasn't working in corporate America he would be a chef (he has yet to admit this, but Tess is convinced). Tess does not cook, but takes great pride in taste testing. The only thing she will not eat is shrimp. As it relates to family, Tess & Matt are both 1 of 4 siblings. Tess is a twin and was born 10 mins before Nat (so technically not the youngest). Matt is the youngest after his 2 older twin sisters (yay twins). Matt and Tess both have 5 nieces/nephews, so there are 10 small humans between the 2 of them. They've each taken great pleasure in watching their siblings become parents and cherish their Aunt/Uncle roles. Tess & Matt also want to express their gratitude towards their parents for their unconditional love and support throughout their lives and especially now as they embark on this new chapter.